Saturday, January 22, 2011

On the Road Again

Well, it's been a whole 7 weeks since we've been on vacation so we're ready to be off again.  In between our Carnival cruise and now we did make the 6 hour drive to spend New Year's weekend with family, but that only involved 2 nights in a motel and that doesn't really count.
This time we are driving back to Florida to celebrate our 32nd wedding anniversary.  We have owned a timeshare just outside of Disney World for many years, but for a long time we have been trading it for trips to other places.  The thing that tipped the scales in favor of our using it this year was the opening of "The Wizarding World of Harry Potter" at Universal Orlando. We are both Harry Potter fans, so when Ray suggested we visit this new park for our anniversary, I immediately said yes.
Our other goal this week is to check out a Florida retirement community that we've been hearing about, called The Villages.   It seems that every time we've gone on a cruise for the past few years we've met couples who live there and rave about it.   One of the guys I work with owns a house there that he currently rents out but eventually plans to live in, so I started by asking him about it.  He had all kinds of positive things to say about The Villages too, so I wrote away for info. We were impressed enough that we have an appointment for a tour on Monday.
So stay tuned to this channel and I'll try to post something each day to chronicle this mid-winter adventure.

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