Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Another sunny day on the island.  The predicted thunderstorms never materialized and we awoke to another beautiful day.  I spent the morning the same way I have been - breakfast, then sun.  Yesterday I took a mid-morning nap, today it was Ray's turn to do so.   I finished my first book and have gotten half way through a second one. 

We were going to go to Pizza Hut for lunch today, but when we got there we found it was a Pizza Hut Express only and it doesn't open until 3PM.  I guess they don't get much mid-day business on the far side of the island.  Instead we decided to go over to the west side of the island, to the only real city on Grand Cayman, Georgetown.  We had a nice lunch in the Paradise - an open air restaurant and bar overlooking the main harbor.  We even had a little surprise entertainment.  A crab came up on the coral near the restaurant and scurried along the shore.  Then a single bird came down to visit.  I've included a little video of them and a lizard that joined us on our patio back at the room.

Today the Carnival Valor was in port.  This is a fairly large ship, but it still didn't look too crowed in town.  It is off season.  We've seen Georgetown when there were 2 or 3 ships in at the same time and it was crazy.  I think they must have been getting ready to leave port though, because there were lines of people waiting for the tenders to take them back to the ship.  That is the main problem for cruise ships visiting Georgetown.  The harbor is not very deep and the piers don't go out far enough for big ships to dock.  Since it is a coral island, there is lots of great diving but large ships have to be careful not to come in too close and damage the reefs.  I've heard they are working on a plan to build a new pier, but that may take years.

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